Annual Meeting Recap, Thank You and Meeting Replay
Planning for the Future of our Congregation
Looking Towards the Future
This year’s Annual Meeting focused on several key initiatives. Strategic Planning Committee Chair Steve Frei and committee member Jen Holmer unveiled the new Strategic Plan that will shape the ministry of Good Shepherd over the next few years. The congregation elected new officers to the Church Board and nominating committee and passed a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Thanks to everyone who attended this meeting in person and online. We are grateful technology makes it possible to gather in a hybrid format for worship and important events like this!
To view meeting materials, including the Strategic Plan, please visit:
Replay of Event
Thank You From Outgoing President Sara McCormack
Greetings! Thanks to those who attended Sunday’s annual meeting. We had a tight agenda, and much to cover, so there was no time left for me to thank you. I have stepped down as president, and it has been a privilege to work and interact with our many volunteers – on the board, committees, and at worship. God has graced us with a vibrant congregation, pastors and staff and I feel blessed to be a part of this faith-filled community. I leave our leadership in Bob Beggs’ capable hands. I received a retirement gift that is not, as Pastor Chris quipped, a bottle of Mogen David wine. I now have my own Good Shepherd – carved from olive wood from the Holy Land. Thank you, and I’ll see you in church.
God’s peace,
Sara McCormack
Past President