Raw & Un-Filtered Jesus

By Joe Brosious | September 26, 2018

Water can be a powerful, powerful force… One of the Brosious family’s most treasured physical possessions is a gorgeous Beckwith cross-cut oak stand up piano. It came from Chicago to…

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You Belong Here.

By Sheryl Erickson | September 18, 2018

“Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi; … He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, ‘If any want to become my…

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Withholding Judgment

By Chris Enstad | September 11, 2018

My brothers and sisters, do you with your acts of favoritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ? 2For if a person with gold rings and in fine clothes…

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By Joe Brosious | September 5, 2018

Enculturation & Acculturation Cultural Literacy is a term defining our ability to understand & participate fluently in a given culture. A culturally literate person knows customs & traditions. Based on…

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Read the September 2018 Messenger

By Eric Holmer | August 29, 2018

The latest issue of Good Shepherd’s monthly newsletter “The Messenger” is now available to read online. Print copies are available at both the Verona and Madison campuses. Have a question…

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Share your Good Shepherd Photos for Rally Day

By Eric Holmer | August 29, 2018

Help us show YOU belong here. On Rally Day (Sunday, September 16th) at both the Madison and Verona campus we want to help paint a picture of what Good Shepherd…

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