Confirmation at Good Shepherd (we call it AMPED)

AMPED is a relationally based three year confirmation program for 6th-8th grade students.  Through a combination of large group and small group time, students practice Christian community, engage with sacred stories, and discover how our faith interacts meaningfully with the world around us.

We help young people develop their spirituality within our Lutheran tradition as well as engage in the work of public theology. Both of these arms of our faith are important as we  navigate living out our faith in a changing world.

At the end of their 3rd year, 8th grade students have the opportunity, if they choose, to affirm their baptismal promises through our Affirmation of Baptism, and continuing their spiritual journey.


Other AMPED Components  

Part of AMPED confirmation is being in worship and service with our church community. We ask our young people to share with us about 12 of those experiences throughout they year by filling out worship notes and service experiece slips. We ask them to worship at each of our 3 services once throughout the year.

Online Service Experience

Worship Note Form                       


Congratulations 8th grade Confirmands

 The Madison sanctuary was full of the joy as 27 8th graders gathered, with friends and family, to affirm their baptism in the Rite of Confirmation.

They made a public profession of their faith – sharing their experiences, their Holy delights, and their questions, and they committed to continue on this journey of seeking and serving in the Christian faith.

We as a congregation renewed our promise to walk alongside them in their journey. What a joy to pause for an afternoon and notice the unique way the Holy Spirit stirring in and among these young people.


Middle School Summer Fun Nights

Incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and their friends are welcome to come enjoy activites, dinner, and community  throughout the summer.

June  19, July 10, July 24, August 14 at the Verona Campus 6:00-7:30pm. $10/per fun night

Pay in cash the night of or pay ahead by card here:


Pine Lake Summer Camp

Good Shepherd week at Pine Lake is is July 14-19.Camp is great opportunity youth from the congregation (and friends) to spend a fun week in community. Playing, camping, hiking, eating, laughing  - it is an experience of spriitual renewal and sacred stretching!

All GS members receive $50.00 towards a full week of camp and $25.00 towards a half week.

Pine Lake Registration

FRIENDS (John 15)

He had some friends in high places.

He had some friends in low places.

A person’s place didn’t seem to matter.


He was thick as thieves….with some actual thieves.

And peas in pod with a somewhat dubious dozen.

A person’s past didn’t seem to matter.


He was in deed a friend to those in need.

And he had the back, of those who carried much on their back.

A person’s burden didn’t seem to matter.


Jesus didn’t have different circles of friends.

He had a circle of friends.

Drawn as wide as time and space.

With a loving gravity that pulls us into friendship with one another.

Upcoming Events

Sarah Iverson
Director of Youth Ministry

Have a question?

If you'd like to know more about this ministry area, please contact Sarah Iverson at siverson@gslcwi.com