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HS Youth Group
Good Shepherd Verona Campus 7291 County Road PD, Verona, WI, United States9:00 Worship Service & Church School
Madison SanctuaryYou're invited to the intersection of Whitney Way and Raymond Road for a morning of worship with traditional Lutheran textures and rhythms.
Verona GymIglesia evangelica el remanente
Madison Peterson HallGirl Scouts
Madison Room 11/The Sheep FoldVerona Church Service
Verona SanctuaryBrent ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 296 424 686 530 Passcode: PJNDzW Download Teams…
High School Youth Grpup
Good Shepherd Verona Campus 7291 County Road PD, Verona, WI, United StatesHigh School Youth Group
Join us on Sunday nights immediately following 6:00pm worship at Verona on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month. We gather fellowship, activities, conversations, and community building. A great…
Ruth Circle
Madison Good Shepherd RoomACM Program Committee
Madison Room 11/The Sheep FoldACM Board Meeting
Madison Room 11/The Sheep Fold
Mobile Blood Drive
Verona Parking LotOn Monday, January 8 from 3 - 6 p.m., Good Shepherd will host a blood drive at the Verona Campus in partnership with ImpactLife Blood Services. This is an important…