Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study
A Weekly Men's Bible Study that gathers on Zoom.
Verona GymHoly Yoga
Verona SanctuaryLenten Service
Madison SanctuaryDuring Lent, we will once again offer a midweek worship service. This contemplative worship service will feature Marty Haugen’s “Holden Evening Prayer” while we explore our theme: “Find What You’re Not Looking For” through music, scripture, reflections, and prayer. Join us Wednesdays at noon at the Madison Campus for in-person worship and online or join…
Bible Study
Madison Good Shepherd RoomLiteracy Network
Madison Good Shepherd RoomBells Rehearsal
Madison SanctuaryBeginner to experienced handbell choir rings five shimmering octaves of Malmark handbells and handchimes.
Verona Kitchen; Verona Gym; Verona Sanctuary; Verona Fellowship HallMadison Achievers Toastmasters Club
Madison Room 11/The Sheep FoldToastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. The club is open to all interested parties.
Amped Parent Chosen Study
Verona Family LoungeChoir Rehearsal
Madison SanctuaryA mixed chorus for men and women that sings regularly in worship at the Madison Campus and seasonally at the Verona Campus.