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Hospitality Committee
Verona LibraryFriday Morning Men’s Group
Verona Coffee BarIntern Room
Verona Room 7Live at 7:45
Join us every other Friday morning at 7:45 a.m. via Zoom! This way, your kitchen table and favorite mug are nearby! This group reads an array of books on scripture,…
New Bridge Meals
Madison Kitchen; Madison Peterson HallAllison Haas Rehearsal
Madison Good Shepherd Room; Madison Lobby; Madison SanctuaryMeeting Setup
Microsoft Teams Meeting; Madison Peterson HallIntern Room
Verona Room 7Men’s Bible Study Zoom
Zoom MeetingWomen’s Meeting
Madison Peterson Hall; Madison KitchenBack to School Day of Service at Orchard Ridge Elementary
Orchard Ridge Elementary School 5602 Russett Road, Madison, WI, United StatesServing our Adopt-a-School Partners at Orchard Ridge We’re excited to help our Adopt-A-School partner kickoff another school year in just a few short weeks! Join us at Orchard Ridge Elementary…