Chosen Meal and Movie
Madison Peterson HallIgnite Volleyball
Verona GymDen Meeting
Verona Family LoungeCub Scouts
Verona Room 7Stephen Ministry
Verona Coffee Bar; Verona Conference RoomConfidential 1-1 Christian Care to encourage individuals facing difficult situations.
AA Meeting
Verona Room 6An anonymous support group open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.
Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study
A Weekly Men's Bible Study that gathers on Zoom.
Verona GymFoot Clinic
Madison Room 6NewBridge is partnered with registered nurse Gail Owens and nail technician Susan Hasey to provide foot care for older adults 60+. We offer non-diabetic and diabetic clinics. Appointments are required and should be made in advance. Call (608) 512-0000.
Holy Yoga
Verona SanctuaryYoga classes for people of all abilities focused on faith and community.
Lenten Service
Madison SanctuaryDuring Lent, we will once again offer a midweek worship service. This contemplative worship service will feature Marty Haugen’s “Holden Evening Prayer” while we explore our theme: “Find What You’re Not Looking For” through music, scripture, reflections, and prayer. Join us Wednesdays at noon at the Madison Campus for in-person worship and online or join…