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Good Shepherd Foundation

What will your legacy be?

We leave our legacy in so many ways — kindness we've shown to others, a family rich in love and tradition, devotion to your church, a beautiful flower garden tended with love, ministries to those in need, a gift to the church.

Thoughtful and faithful consideration of gifts to the church is good stewardship and a way to leave a living legacy that continues to spread Jesus' love long after we are gone.

Consider making a gift to the Good Shepherd Foundation as part of your estate planning. If you already intend to include Good Shepherd, please consider filling out a letter of intent. We would love to thank you in advance for your generosity.

What is the Good Shepherd Foundation?

A legacy of Jesus' love

The mission of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Foundation is to expand and continue the legacy of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and to transform lives by reflecting Jesus' love.

The Foundation is an important part of GSLC ministry, providing funding for programs that are not a part of the operating budget of the congregation. Some of the programs that have been funded through the foundation include 

  • Scholarships to attend ELCA colleges and seminaries
  • Senior bus program that provides the elderly with transportation to GSLC services
  • Scholarships for Day Camps, Pine Lake Camp and Sugar River Camp
  • Interns who support Day Camps and various neighborhood activities
  • Support GS, Allied Drive and Verona food pantries and the clothes closet
  • Hearing loops for our sanctuary and Peterson Hall
  • Livestreaming Hardware and a Digital Signage System for both campuses

In growing and expanding the Foundation, the vision is to fund more ministries which may include ministries to children and youth, seniors, the GSLC neighborhoods, future church leaders and others.


Pastor Craig McMahon
Lead Pastor

Ann S

Ann Schmidt
Development Committee


John B

John Burkhartzmeyer
Investment Committee


Steve Kelley
Grants Committee


Danielle S

Danielle Sill
Grants Committee


Greg M

Greg Meyer
Grants Committee


Ross L(2)

Ross Lyman
Grants Committee


Amy H(2)

Amy Haskins
Vice President
Development Committee


Brian B

Brian Barrett
Investment Committee


Augusto (Gus) Perez
Development Committee


Express your devotion through a donation

O U T R I G H T   G I F T S

  • Tribute Gifts – Honor significant events such as baptisms, birthdays or anniversaries with a donation.
  • Memorials – Remember a loved family member, friend or acquaintance with a donation.

D E F F E R R E D   G I F T S

  • Wills – You can use your will to make a contribution to the Foundation.
  • Trusts –Trusts provide a fixed amount or percentage rate of income. You can designate how funds are used and by whom. A trust can be set up now or established in a will.
  • Life Insurance –You can designate the Foundation as your policy beneficiary. If you no longer need the policy, taking this step allows future premiums to be tax deductible.
  • Annuities – Charitable gift annuities offer an income to the donor based on the ages of those who will receive payments. A portion may be non-taxable. At the end of a donor's life, the Good Shepherd Foundation receives the remainder of the gift annuity.
  • Lifetime Gifts – Transferring cash, stocks, bonds, real estate or other securities to the Foundation.

All Gifts are Charitable Tax Donations

To accomplish planned giving goals, always seek professional assistance from an adviser such as an attorney, accountant, financial planner or trust

If you are interested in finding out more about giving to the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Foundation or would like a sample letter of intent sent to me that you can use to indicate that a gift to the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Foundation has been designated in a will or bequest or if you have already remembered Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Foundation in your estate plan.

The legal description to use in your estate plan is: "Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Foundation Ltd."  5701 Raymond Road, Madison, WI  53711

Frequent Questions