How does a garden grow?
Every summer over 100 volunteers from our church and our community give over 400 hours of time to help grow ~2500lbs of produce for our Good Shepherd Food Pantry!
Come join us in the garden
Garden Volunteer Hours
Sundays 3:30pm-5:30pm
Wednesdays 4pm-6pm
Middle School Garden Club
Mondays and Tuesdays 9am-11am

Middle School Garden Club
In 2020, we formed our Middle School Garden Club. Now every Monday and Tuesday morning from 9-11am from June-August, middle school youth are invited to come and participate in service hours in the garden.
The garden keeps growing!
Because of the generosity of the Good Shepherd Foundation, individual donors and Scouts Eagle Projects, we keep adding to our garden. In the past five years, we have added a shed, a fence, apple trees, raspberry bushes, and bee hives. We partner with the Little Blessings Preschool to do special projects in the fall and spring. And we invite youth groups to come and do work projects for service hours together.

Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens
We are an affiliate garden of the Madison Area Food Pantry Garden group. They support and operate 12 food pantry gardens in the Dane County area!