Help Bring a Labyrinth to Good Shepherd
Creating a Place for Introspection & Reflection
Pastor Dara is Building a Labyrinth Team
Spending time with God in prayer is something that I long for more of in my life. One of the prayer practices that I go back to time and time again is walking a prayer labyrinth. A labyrinth is an ancient meditation practice that uses a maze-like pattern to help center oneself as you pray and reflect on your journey of faith. The differences though between a maze and a labyrinth is that there are no wrong turns and there is only one path in and out. You can use scripture or song or simply reflect on the idea of journey as you walk in and out of the labyrinth. I have participated in walking prayer labyrinths in various settings, indoors and out and with different generations of participants. Children especially seem to connect with the active way labyrinths allow you to pray.
At Good Shepherd, during Lent one year, the church staff made a masking tape labyrinth on the floor of the prayer chapel at Verona Campus. We have also had a labyrinth mown into the grass outside on the Verona Campus hillside. These projects along with efforts to make our church a welcoming place for all, made me apply for a Good Shepherd Foundation grant to put in a permanent outdoor labyrinth at Verona Campus. Our labyrinth will be created using bricks, stones and gravel and utilizing some landscaping to create a peaceful area near our Good Shepherd Columbarium. A Good Shepherd labyrinth can be used by our members, but it can also be made known in our community as a place to come and pray any time. I hope that our Good Shepherd Labyrinth becomes a place where people can come and spend time with God.
If you would like to be a part of the team that will plan and build the Good Shepherd Labyrinth, please contact Pastor Dara Schuller-Hanson at .