A step towards normal
Holy COW thanks Public Health Madison and Dane County
As Wisconsin slowly shifts back to pre-pandemic times, Good Shepherd’s Holy COW team felt called to thank Public Health Madison and Dane County for all they have done over the past year. On Wednesday, June 9, the Holy COW did just that. The COW moooved on over to the Alliant Energy Center from 8:30-10:30 a.m. and thanked PHMDC with coffee and Sue Baez’s homemade cinnamon rolls.
While celebrating, many PHMDC workers reflected.
Public Health Workers Share Experiences
“We’ve been here since October, so it feels very weird seeing all the changes,” one PHMDC worker said. Another added, “We’ve worked in the snow, we’ve worked in the heat, we’ve seen it all.”
Though the two-hour event may have appeared small, it made quite a big impact. Director of Facilities Rick Thomas and Coordinator of Volunteers, Membership and Database Donna Maysack say 70 cinnamon rolls were served.
“All the events we’ve done where we’ve just gone out to people and said, ‘Thank you for what you do,’ have been greatly appreciated,” Thomas said.
The PHMDC event was no different. With coffee cups and a cinnamon rolls in hand, public health worker after public health worker expressed nothing but gratitude.
“It’s funny because they are really the ones that we are trying to thank,” Maysack said. “But they were just so gracious and surprised we thought of them.”
Extending the Impact
It is clear the Holy COW’s impact extends far beyond the PHMDC day of service, however. The event was only one example of how the Holy COW continues meeting people where they are, time again normalizing that God’s love is not confined to a campus.
“One of our missions is to connect people, and to let people know they’re heard,” Thomas said. “Everybody is a child of God.”
And, even through something as simple as coffee and cinnamon rolls, the Holy COW is living proof that everybody deserves to be welcomed, forgiven and served.
For more information on supporting the Holy COW’s mission, head over to the Holy COW’s webpage.