Introducing “Be Opened” – Our Fall Ministry Theme
In a world that often defines us by our differences, how can we be opened to live out God’s grace?
The theme you will hear at Good Shepherd the next few months is “Be Opened.” But “Be Opened” is not a political slogan or an advertising theme.
It’s something Jesus said and did.
In Mark’s gospel, chapter 7, a man is brought to Jesus who is deaf and has a speech impediment. Jesus takes him aside from the crowd, puts his fingers in his ears, spits and touches his tongue, and speaks these words, “Be opened”. Instantly the man is healed. His life is forever changed by these two healing words from Jesus.
As we Worship, Forgive, Serve, and grow together around church this fall, we’ll explore what it means when Jesus tells us to “be opened.”
Here are some foundational ways we become “opened” by Jesus:
…healing. When Jesus said, “Be Opened,” Jesus’ words and actions were healing. Jesus offers that same power of healing to us. Because of Jesus, we become the “opened” ones. Our lives are no longer restricted. We become full of possibility in Jesus.
…freedom. As Christians, we are released by Jesus. When Jesus opens us – we are freed from those things that close us in on ourselves. We are no longer confined by the restraints that cut us off from others: sin, selfishness, turning a blind eye, or deaf ear, to the needs and cries of our neighbors.
…abundance. When we are “opened” by Jesus, it means we are opened to everything Jesus has to offer us in this world: love, forgiveness, justice, mercy, service & hope. When we are “opened” by the healing power of Jesus, his power works through us to heal broken relationships, heal our communities torn by division, even heal problems in the church.
What will Jesus’ command to “Be Opened” mean for us at Good Shepherd in the weeks and months ahead as we live life together as the body of Christ? How will it impact the church as we start up church school and AMPED again, teaching our children about our faith? How will it impact the way we serve our neighbors in Madison and Verona? How will it impact our efforts as we move forward to call a new lead pastor? Or as we hold our annual Generosity campaign and ask one another to increase our financial giving and personal time toward the work we do together?
Jesus says, “Be Opened”. In a world that often defines us by our differences, how can we be opened to live out God’s grace? I look forward to exploring with you what living in those healing words from Jesus look like in the weeks to come.