Latest COVID-19 Policy Update
Updated guidelines effective March 1
Important Updates on Mask Policies at Good Shepherd
Due to the end of the Dane County Face Covering order, and the fact that COVID-19 Community Levels in Dane County as determined by the CDC are low at this time, wearing masks at Good Shepherd is optional as of Tuesday, March 1. People may choose to mask at any time. Your choice is respected here.
Starting on Ash Wednesday, changes will be made to worship based on the loosening of restrictions.
- Communion will again be received at the front of the sanctuary.
- On Ash Wednesday, the imposition of ashes will be offered by pastors during worship.
- Coffee will return after the 9 a.m. service at the Madison Campus on Sunday, March 6. We are actively seeking Verona coffee hosts.
- The offering plate will remain on the welcome table for the time being.
Mask protocols for children’s & youth programming will mainly be determined by the school district the church facility is located in. Ministry leaders will be directly in touch with parents to explain the plan.