Letter of Intent to the Good Shepherd Foundation

    In order to properly thank you in advance for your generosity to our congregation, we ask that you complete this letter of intent so you can become a Good Shepherd Legacy Builder.

    Letter of Intent to the Good Shepherd Foundation

    As evidence of our desire to provide a legacy of support to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, we have made a provision for a gift to Good Shepherd in our estate plan. We understand that this commitment is revocable, can be changed by us at any time, and is a record only of our current intentions.

    It is our intent to leave a legacy to Good Shepherd through our:

    Will or Living TrustRetirement plan assets (including IRAs)Charitable gift annuityLife insurance policyOther

    We wish to inform Good Shepherd, for long-term planning purposes only, that as of this date, the value of our gift is approximately:

    (If your gift is a percentage of your estate, please indicate both the percentage and approximate value.)

    We understand that, by stating an amount and/or percentage, our estate is not legally bound by this statement, and we may choose to add, subtract, or revoke this bequest at any time, at our sole discretion.

    The amount of your gift will only be known by the Lead Pastor, the Director of Administration, and Staff Accountant. Your intent to give will be shared with the Foundation Board.

    If there is no designation in our planned gift documents as to how Good Shepherd is to use our planned gift when received, then our planned gift is to be used:

    For the following purpose described:In the area of greatest need as determined by the Good Shepherd Foundation

    Please include us in the Good Shepherd Legacy Builders under the following conditions:

    Feel free to publish our names among your list of Legacy Builders as a motivation for others to leave a future gift to benefit Good Shepherd.Do not list our names. We prefer to remain anonymous (anonymous gift)