High School Youth Trip Youth Ministry

Seeking Reverence

24 High Schoolers Head to South Dakota

Re-Discovering Stories of the Past

This weekend 24 of Good Shepherd’s high school youth, along with four chaperones, are heading to Custer, SD – in the middle of the Black Hills – for a 5-day retreat where they will be able to fully unwind and do some much-needed self-reflection. While the youth at Good Shepherd are very familiar with traveling together, this trip will be slightly different in that it is a partial retreat and a partial field of exploration for these high school kids. The word for the trip is reverence, and the goal is for these youth to learn to grow in reverence with the geography they are surrounded by and the Spirit that lives within them. For any typical high schooler, stories of history are inevitable, and many memories harbor distaste for the history that has unfolded before us. They hear all the flaws about their ancestors and work to accept them for what they are. This trip is meant to enrich these high schoolers’ perspective and knowledge, but also reshape it in a way that allows for reformed perspectives in places that once entailed deep hurt. 

Re-Claiming Identities

Growing up as a teenager in 2023 can be daunting, and the societal pressures of achieving worldly success can eat away at the foundation of who they believe they are. Within the confines of social media, they are taught that uniformity makes them popular, and perfection is displayed everywhere. Throughout high school, identity can become enmeshed into outside perspectives, and if one doesn’t know who God says they are, they will take their own insecurities into blessed spaces. Some may face pressure from peers, or may feel as if they have been lured into a place that makes them feel discomfort and shame, but how one prepares for these moments in private is how they will show up for themselves and others in public when  put in a difficult situation or burdened by the pressures of the world. 

The Power of Experience

For many high schoolers, God as they know him is placed within specific confines that may not extend beyond the lines of Good Shepherd or even outside the state of Wisconsin. This trip is meant to reveal God’s presence in all places and show that God’s Spirit is ever-present and has no restriction within specific coordinates. While tuning into documentaries can help us gain a sense of appreciation for the people who have walked before us, occupying the sacred space can help to set a foundation that surges beyond just a film screen in a movie. The power of experience is one of the greatest privileges that we have personally been given, and the idea behind this trip is that it will be a time for these high schoolers to be with themselves and with others who seek the same desires as they do. This retreat will be a safe space to do some inner self work before the school year starts and all the chaos of life unfolds. The retreat is meant to teach these youth how to be young disciples of Christ, and how to truly walk with Him in this life. They will hike in the Badlands, familiarize themselves with an unfamiliar environment, and grow in relationship with one other. 

Please keep these high schoolers in your prayers as they walk with the Holy Spirit and go through this transformative experience. To keep up with them throughout their trip, you can continue to stay updated with the Good Shepherd blog or Good Shepherd’s social media pages as we will share student journals from the road.