Local Ministries
Serving neighbors in our community

For 10 years we have partnered with Orchard Ridge Elementary School to donate supplies, provide tutors and serve meals to teachers.

Trunk or Treat
This annual trick-or-treat event is held near Halloween in our church parking lots.

Thanksgiving Meal
Since 1994 Good Shepherd has been serving a free Thanksgiving meal to our neighbors. This can only be done with the help of many volunteers. Watch the Messenger and enews for how you can sign up to help work before or during the meal or donate food. If you have questions about the meal, please contact Rick Thomas at: rthomas@gslcwi.com.

God's Hands and Feet
This service group works throughout the year to provide for basic needs in our community.
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Refugee Resettlement Ministry
This ministry helps resettle refugee families in the Madison area.
Global Missions
Serving neighbors around the world

Team World Vision
Run or walk the Madison Marathon or Half Marathon to raise money for clean water

Have a service idea for us?
All our service ministries started because someone had an idea and a passion to help. Do you have an idea for a new way to serve our neighbors?

Rick Thomas
Director of Outreach

Pastor Dara Schuller-Hanson
Pastor of Community Partnerships