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Advent 1: Come

By Sheryl Erickson | December 2, 2019

A Word About Isaiah “Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord”.  This verse from (Isaiah 2:5) is our theme for Advent.  Each week a phrase from this…

Christ our King

By Dara Schuller-Hanson | November 26, 2019

Who’s Really in Charge? A red cardigan and a simple question, won’t you be my neighbor, make believe stories alongside messages that each person, each child has value and is…

Looking Ahead

By Joe Brosious | November 21, 2019

Setting the Scene The Sitz im leben is a German term that roughly translates into Setting in Life. It questions why an object or story has been created, and how…

Give Sacrificially

By Sheryl Erickson | November 11, 2019

I’d like to invite you to simply sit for a moment in the opening words from Jesus in Luke 12:32-34  Jesus’ first words are easy to overlook, but they change…

For All the Saints

By Chris Enstad | November 7, 2019

Brothers and sisters, grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. November 1st is traditionally known as All-Saint’s Day. And so…

Jesus Gives us Abundant Life

By Dara Schuller-Hanson | October 29, 2019

Imagine Abundance What do you wish you had a lot of?  Can you close your eyes and imagine an abundance- a big basket full of… what would it be full…

Place God First

By Sheryl Erickson | October 21, 2019

How you react when you hear Jesus say, “Do not worry about your life”? Does your mind race, with mine, to talk right back to Jesus in your head and…

Seeking God’s Will in Prayer

By Chris Enstad | October 14, 2019

Our Need to Give Here at Good Shepherd we are in the midst of launching a three-year capital appeal.  To do that we are in week two of a five-week…


By Joe Brosious | October 10, 2019

There’s No Place Like Home Home. It’s a word that can elicit a vast array of emotions…And feelings… Memories of an idealized past… Home is where the heart is. A…

The Big Flip-Flop

By Chris Enstad | October 3, 2019

A Tale of Two Men Today we heard yet another of Jesus’ parables. (Luke 16:19-31) The title of this parable is The Rich Man and Lazarus.  First, we meet the…