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Jesus Blesses Us

By Dara Schuller-Hanson | February 20, 2019

Blessed are Those I started tutoring at an elementary school in Verona this year.  And it has been such a good experience- getting to spend time with some great kids…

Caught Up in New Life

By Sheryl Erickson | February 14, 2019

Fishing not Catching When you are a fisherman, it goes with the territory that there will be times when you come up empty. I got a report from my Mom…

God’s Call: Command and Gift

By Chris Enstad | February 5, 2019

Back into our shell It is part and parcel of being a living human being that it comes as a shock to our system whenever we encounter God and God’s…


By Joe Brosious | January 31, 2019

This week we jump back into Luke’s gospel (Luke 4:14-21), And hear a story about every seminarian’s worst nightmare… Going back home to preach at the congregation or synagogue you…

Christ’s Abundance

By Sheryl Erickson | January 24, 2019

Jesus has no sense of proportion when it comes to giving himself to us It was only a sign, but those 6 jars of water turned into 150 or more…

An Epiphany for Our Time

By Chris Enstad | January 15, 2019

Gradual, Patient & Sometimes Invisible Jesus knew that great results do not always happen as suddenly as a conversion experience on the banks of the Jordan River. Many people have…

The Gift of God Made Manifest in Us!

By Chris Enstad | January 10, 2019

Receiving the Gift The Christian faith is always being given to us by God as a gift.  God will never take it back nor will God withhold it from any…

A faithful “I don’t know”

By Dara Schuller-Hanson | January 4, 2019

Asking Honest Questions At a youth group retreat in high school, my pastor sat us down to talk about the Bible. This pastor was new to us, an interim who…

What Then Should We Do?

By Dara Schuller-Hanson | December 18, 2018

A Crowd with a Question John the Baptist must have been a fire-y preacher in his crazy clothing, out in the desert- saying things that were controversial and hard to…

Repent and Follow

By Sheryl Erickson | December 11, 2018

So, who cares?  Who cares about Tyberius, Pilate, Herod, Phillip and Lysanius, Annas and Caiaphis? Ok, granted…we Christians, who know Jesus’ story, will care about Pilate and Herod a bit…