Christian Conversation
Living in Harmony? I don’t know about you, but I am someone who hates disagreement and conflict. About 6 years ago, our church staff took personality inventories and I learned…
The Sun Sets on a GSLC Summer | Update from Pr. Chris Enstad
The “Sunshine List” Last Sunday, I referenced a “Sunshine List” that our Director of Faith Formation, Sarah Iverson, compiled as we prepared for our online Congregational Meeting in June. Many…
Changing Seasons Here in Madison we’re making it through the hottest week of the summer. As I sat on our back deck the other evening when the sun was lower…
Who Do You Say That I Am?
Heard any good St. Peter jokes lately? So one day Ole passed away and arrived at the pearly gates of heaven. St. Peter greeted him and said, “In order to…
The End of the Law
Wrestling with the Law As we continue through Paul’s letter to the Romans, you’ll hear the same reminder tonight (Romans 10:5-15) that you heard last week from Pastor Chris (Romans 10:1-5).…
Isn’t It a Miracle?
A Legendary Fish Tale In my family there are a few stories that over the years of being told have morphed into family legends. One of them involves a fishing…
Compassion Extended
How many times does the same miracle performed by Jesus get recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)? Honestly, I’m not going to give you time to…
Good Soil
Weeds, rocks, thorns – there’s a lot that threatens to kill newly sown seed. But what of those seeds that land in good soil? What of the seeds that are…
Sin and Us
Jesus saves us even from our sinful selves My 3-year-old son has some favorite words and phrases that he likes to say all the time. They include answering questions with…
Weekly Pastor Letter | July 9, 2020
Dear siblings in Christ at Good Shepherd, Thank you for attending our first, and hopefully only, virtual Town Hall Meeting on June 28. I was so humbled by the stories that…