Good Shepherd Stories

You’re Invited…to Connect

Finding Connection through Online Community and Card Ministry

Ruth Paulson has been a member of Good Shepherd for more than 40 years. But sometimes, she feels her closest connection to the church when she’s thousands of miles away.

“I started watching online even before the pandemic,” said Ruth. “My husband and I travel for multiple months during a year, and it was my way of being connected. I looked forward to those Sunday mornings because I could feel like I was worshiping with my Good Shepherd family and yet be wherever we were.”

Staying connected to other members at Good Shepherd has been important to Ruth ever since Pastor Clem Peterson helped connect her with Good Shepherd in 1980. It hasn’t always been through technology.

Ruth started the Card Ministry at Good Shepherd more than 5 years ago, making homemade greeting cards for members. The cards can help celebrate important milestones or can provide comfort for some who’s ill. “A card is different than an email,” said Ruth. “I mean, truthfully, emails are pretty impersonal, but a homemade card that signed by a true human being can be pretty powerful.”

When the pandemic hit in March of 2020, staying connected to other members became much tougher. But Good Shepherd’s online worship efforts spearheaded by Director of Media Eric Holmer allowed Ruth to connect to other members. However, instead of using a card, she would use a text or a comment in Facebook.

“If I really like a song or a particular piece of music or the sermon is just out of this world that Sunday, I can comment that on Facebook and it’s immediate,” said Ruth. “That makes me feel like I’m a part of the group. I know I’m not with the people here at church, but we’re all worshiping. We’re just doing it in different ways.”

Ruth is glad to attend in person again, and she looks forward to reigniting the Card Ministry again at Good Shepherd. But the past year has reminded her that no matter what happens, she will always have an ability to connect here.

“Good Shepherd has such wonderful ministries for a variety of different audiences, but that doesn’t stop them from thinking outside of the box and move to new experiences,” said Ruth. “And I think that’s part of what makes Good Shepherd so special.”

Your generosity to Good Shepherd makes it possible to have sustained excellence by using technology to improve the worship experience in person and online through the work of people like Director of Media Eric Holmer. As a faith community, we are transforming your good gifts into ways to invite all to fully participate in worshipping our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We are helping them find connection to others and their own spiritual gifts. Thank you for the ways in which you make this transformation in the lives of members like Ruth possible.