Good Shepherd Stories

You’re Invited…to Serve

Connecting with opportunities to share Jesus' love with neighbors

Susan Covarrubias was looking for a new church in 2020, right before the pandemic hit. After visiting a few locations, she found Good Shepherd – even though she’s lived on the southwest side for more than two decades.

“I’ve driven in this neighborhood for years and years,” said Susan. “Through the years when I go home or to work, I’d see your little sandwich boards about your food pantry, the clothes closet. My husband would mention the Holy Cow that’s painted on the little van.”

Once she investigated a little more, she realized what she was looking for…was right next door. “Your mission statement met the moment for my faith journey,” said Susan. She particularly appreciated the focus on social justice, outreach to the community and those less fortunate. She learned a lot about the church’s generosity from her husband, who worked as a custodian at Orchard Ridge Elementary School.

“He would speak very highly of your generosity to their students with the snack cupboard and other things,” said Susan. “I thought, ‘There’s a congregation who’s very generous in spirit.’”

So, despite never stepping foot in the church, she and her husband attended a new member zoom meeting in the fall. They became members in November. She realized Good Shepherd was the right place for her when she heard the prayers for the nation delivered by Pastor Dara and Pastor Sheryl following events like the killing of George Floyd.

“It kind of met the moment for me and my personal journey and what I feel Christians should be doing during a turbulent time in our country,” said Susan. “What would Jesus do? Where would Jesus be walking?”

Once Susan joined Good Shepherd, she wanted to do more. So, she decided to volunteer in the Clothes Closet. That’s when she met Connections Coordinator Donna Maysack. ” When I walked in, I felt very welcomed by Donna, who showed the clothes closet to me,” said Susan.  ”I was overwhelmed with the organizational aspect of it. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was a 12.”

“By being involved in the Clothes Closet and seeing the excellent supply of shoes and underwear and socks, the way those kids are feeling love from strangers…that’s what Jesus would do,” Susan said.