Love, Good Deeds and Encouragement

By Eileen Nelson | February 9, 2018

Caitlin shares how she has experienced the encouragement of the Good Shepherd community wherever life has taken her.

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Feed My Starving Children

By Eileen Nelson | January 15, 2018

You’ve heard the phrase “It takes a village?” Well, this time it was 448 different volunteers coming together to help feed a village. This is enough food to feed 298…

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Help Along the Journey

By Emma Conway | June 23, 2017

Lynne has served with Good Shepherd for nearly 50 years. She has helped launch many ministries including grief classes and PrimeTimers for seniors. Hear why she loves what she has been able to be a part of.

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Surprised by Generosity

By Emma Conway | June 23, 2016

Scott and Stephanie became a part of Good Shepherd as the church was looking to expand to a new location. Hear how an unexpected gesture of generosity left a life-long impact on their family.

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