Loving Like Jesus
A Reflection from Julia Miller, Good Shepherd Member
It is more important than ever for churches, schools, and businesses to be welcoming, inclusive, and celebrate all people for who they are! When our middle child came to their father and I and told us they are non-binary, I said to them, “Okay. You are still my child and the same person you’ve always been. I love you just as I always have.” My mother said to me, “God loves all people, no matter what. And we will keep loving them, too.” We are fortunate to belong to an ELCA church that is so welcoming and inclusive. Jesus loved and befriended people who were marginalized and discriminated against, the lepers, the prostitutes, the tax collectors. The LGBTQ+ community is also loved and welcomed by God and our church.
From “A Prayer for LGBTQ+ Youth”
“Remind them that you love them, just as you created them to be and that nothing they do, no one that they love, and certainly not who you created them to be can ever separate them from your love.” https://christiansforsocialaction.org/resource/a-prayer-for-lgbtq-youth-prayer-day/