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Madison SanctuaryGSLC Food Pantry
Madison LobbyWeekly community food distribution - because Jesus said so! More information on the Good Shepherd Food Pantry can be found here.
Clothes Closet
Madison Room 6More information on the Good Shepherd Clothes Closet can be found here.
Christensen Gym
Verona GymScott smchristensen@gmail.com
GSLC Food Pantry
Madison LobbyWeekly community food distribution – because Jesus said so! More information on the Good Shepherd Food Pantry can be found here.
Scharenbroch Gym Time
Verona Gymchris scharenbroch cscharenbroch@hotmail.com
Band Rehearsal
Verona Campus 7291 County Rd PD, Verona, WI, United States10:00 Worship Band Rehearsal
Verona SanctuaryTracy Dahl
Friday Morning Men’s Group
Verona Coffee BarA men's gathering for support, study, and fellowship.
Rewald Gym
Verona GymSara Reward sararewald@yahoo.com
Anderson Gym
Verona GymByron Anderson <byronanderson@ymail.com>
Senior Meals
Madison Peterson HallEthel, Candice Alexander candicea@newbridgemadison.org