Social Action Committe
Living out our Christian Faith
Purpose: To live out our Christian faith through collaboration with local and global neighbors. We build relationships that value and empower all people to create positive change through God's love.
Keys to Ministry: With the presence of the Holy Spirit in all of our work, and loving others as Jesus taught in Mathew 25, we work in the following areas: housing, food, clothing, poverty, health care, education, incarceration, violence, immigration, and clean water. Collaboration with other faith based groups and community organizations is a priority in our ministry.
Responsibilities: 1) Conduct periodic reviews of all current areas of ministry; 2) Seek and evaluate needs of new areas of ministry and engage when needed; 3) Support ministry groups as needed; 4) Help to recruit ministry team members as needs arise.
Additional Ministry Partners:
- Team World Vision Feed My Starving Children
- Loaves and Fishes Thanksgiving Community Meal
- Road Home Transitional Housing
- Norma Jeanne's Quilters God's Hands and Feet
- Habitat for Humanity Madison Area Jail Ministry
Meeting Schedule
Our Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 P.M. Our meetings our held at the Madison campus in the Good Shepherd Room on the first floor.
Meeting Minutes & Annual Reports
Recent meeting minutes and annual reports are available to download as a PDF.

Deni Naumann
Committee Chair

Pastor Dara Schuller-Hanson
Staff Liason

Rick Thomas
Staff Liason
Kristi Jones
Committee Chair

Ross Lyman
Committee Member

Kimberly King
Committee Member
Julie & Dennis Ahnen
Committee Member
Annie Tereba
Committee Member