Advent by Candlelight 2018

The Good Shepherd Women’s Ministry would like to invite all women of the church and their friends, as well as middle and high school girls, to join us for an evening of dessert, candlelight and carols as we prepare our hearts and minds for the Advent season at our annual Advent by Candlelight event on Monday, December 10th at the Verona Campus.
Check-in begins at 6:00, the doors open at 6:15, and dessert will be served starting at 6:30. Reservations are strongly encouraged but not necessary. To register, please click the “Register” button below.
As a part of this event, we are also looking for dessert bakers and table hostesses. (Table hostesses would decorate a table and provide candles and tableware for their table.) If interested, please indicate that when you register.
All women are invited – if you haven’t registered yet, that’s okay we have a spot for you!
[button size=’large’ style=” text=’Register for the Event’ icon=’fa-check-square’ icon_color=” link=’′ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=’15’]
[button size=’large’ style=” text=’Facebook Event Page’ icon=’fa-facebook’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_self’ color=’#ffffff’ hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=’#1360c4′ hover_background_color=’#06388f’ font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=’15’]