Ash Wednesday at Good Shepherd
Remember you are Dust
Join us for worship on Ash Wednesday as we begin our forty-day journey toward Easter with a day of fasting and repentance. Marking our foreheads with dust, we acknowledge that we die and return to the earth. At the same time, the dust traces the life-giving cross indelibly marked on our foreheads at baptism.
Worship Schedule
12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
All services include Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes
(12:00 p.m. Madison worship and 7:00 p.m. Verona worship live streamed)
We all come to Ash Wednesday with a personal confession on our lips. And yet we all, no matter our confession, receive the same sign of redemption: a dirt cross that intends to heal. On this day, though our piety is public, we don’t wear it with any sort of pride. Because we all know, deep in the recesses of our hearts, that those things we bring to the altar on Ash Wednesday are not a moment of pride, but implicit acknowledgments that we cannot do this thing called life without the kind of redemption that our God in Christ gives. (ELCA World Hunger)
Ashes & Communion-to-go
If you wish to worship at home on Ash Wednesday, you’re invited to pick-up ashes and individual, prepackaged communion cups at both campuses during worship on Sunday, February 27, during office hours Monday-Wednesday, February 28–March 2, or a drive-thru option on Ash Wednesday, March 2, 5:00—6:00 p.m. Verona Campus only.