Back to School Shoe Drive
Helping kids in the community start the year on the right foot
Do you remember, as a kid, the feeling of wearing a nice, new pair of shoes that you were proud to wear on the first day of school? The Clothes Closet provides shoes for our neighbors, but at the start of school it’s nice to have something special.
We will be requesting a Thrivent Action Team Grant and asking for name brand children through teen sized shoes and/or monetary donations with ‘2021 Cool School Shoe Drive’ specified on the memo line. Shoe donations can be dropped off this month and in September at Madison Monday -Friday from 8:30 a.m.- noon and 5:30-7:00 p.m. on Thursdays as well.
Thank you for helping to make the school year a little brighter for kids in our area schools. Please email or call Donna at (608) 640-4931 with any questions