Board Minutes: December 16, 2019
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Board of Directors Minutes FINAL
December 16, 2019 (6:30 p.m.)
Madison Campus – Good Shepherd Room
Attendance – Andrew Seaborg (President), Tom Golden (VP), Wade Huseth (Treas.), Sara McCormack (Sec.), Pr. Chris Enstad, Kimberly King, Ellen Franzone, Stephanie Barth, Bob Beggs
Becky Baumbach – guest
- Andrew called the meeting to order and opened with prayer at 6:39p.
- We discussed chapters 12-15 of “Canoeing the Mountains.” During times of transition, there will always be opponents and we must survive the sabotage. All pastors go through similar experiences. How can we support our pastors? Through transparency, and the board acting as allies to the pastors and staff. Good Shepherd incurred debt for all the right reasons. Tom noted that now we need to have a growth mindset without growth.
- Pastor Chris gave his Lead Pastors report and reported that our new members have a thirst for spiritual growth. Our 2019 accomplishments include the successful completion of the Shared Leadership and Vision Task Forces, the passing of the RIC and the launch of the Beyond campaign – all four within one year.
Pastor Chris has received positive responses from the board candidates recommended by the nominating committee: David Vogt, Tyler Gold and Betsy Johnson. He also received positive responses for nominating committee candidates: Susi Petta and Vern Andren.
- Tom moved and Wade seconded to approve the October 21, 2019 minutes. Motion carries.
- Wade presented the December Financial Report
- A huge thank you to the finance committee for refining the financial reports down to four pages.
- Bank report – We have had over $1 million in deposits at Oak Bank at low interest rates, and are exposed to credit risk due to the FDIC’s insurance limit. Over the past six weeks, the Finance and Executive Committees have directed staff to purchase higher-interest rate vehicles, i.e., CDs, money markets, etc. Staff plans to move $250k to Summit Credit Union and $137k to UW Credit Union.
- The audit committee met and refreshed our credit card policies with the staff.
- We have more transparency now in our reporting with just one staffer and QuickBooks.
- Bob is working on the Beyond campaign reporting to the congregation and plans to do so quarterly.
- Tom moved, and Bob seconded, to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion carries.
- Lead Pastors report, con’t.
- BEYOND…. 480 commitment cards have been received, totaling over $2 million. Of this, $303k is committed up front. Phyllis Wiederhoeft is reported as saying that most families tend to give 1.5-2x their annual giving towards a capital campaign, so we’re not done yet.
- Rick presented a preliminary 2020 budget. Based on discussions at the earlier Executive Committee meeting (see minutes), he suggests we create a six-month budget for 2020. Discussion:
- Wade believes we need to think differently to find new sources of revenue, going forward.
- Tom thinks we should use our contingency fund now and have a January budget meeting.
- A decision and vote on the budget are tabled until January.
- The staff will focus on a six-month budget in the interim.
- We will check with Thrivent regarding our loan amortization.
- Andrew recommends that we change our fiscal year to July through June. This is operationally the best practice. It eliminates timing issues for donations, and lines up with our programming calendar. It gives us time to see how general fund commitments will finish up at the end of the year. Tom moved, and Stephanie seconded, to change our fiscal year to July – June to align with operational and program years (pending review of the Constitution and by-laws) and includes a six-month budget to line up with the new year. Discussion followed.
- Wade and Andrew suggest that we keep the stewardship campaigns in the fall to eliminate confusion with the congregation.
- Stephanie likes that a programming calendar allows our staff, pastors and board to focus on Christ’s coming.
- We need to review our Constitution and by-laws regarding a fiscal year change.
- Motion carries.
- Andrew presented his President’s report
- Executive Committee Minutes were reviewed.
- He has received positive feedback on the RIC task force and the RIC meeting.
- Andrew made a motion to call the annual meeting for 2/9/20 at noon at the Verona campus. Ellen seconded. After discussion, Tom offered an amendment to call the annual meeting on 2/16/20, which Andrew moved and Ellen seconded. Motion carries.
- Committee updates and requests
- Becky Baumbach made a presentation for the Spiritual Formation committee. They have remade the committee. Previously it was the Adult Education Committee, covering small group, classes and centering prayer. The classes offered did not meet the needs of very many of our members. Spiritual Formation wants to move members’ faith from their heads to their hearts, with less emphasis on knowledge and more on relationship with God. They’re incorporating our new Vision of having transformative relationships. They want to change the culture at Good Shepherd in order to make spaces for spiritual formation be a part of who we are. They have met with Pastor Chris and will meet with the Worship committee in January. They hope to incorporate stillness in God’s house and allow Him to work in us during Lent.
- Ellen reported on the Inreach and Congregational Care Committee. These lovely members are caring for each other through some transitions, with Lynne Kroger and Deb Puchner retiring. They continue with Stephen Ministry, new member classes, name tag Sundays, connection ministry, funeral and wedding assistants (volunteer), home communion and hospital visits. They keep good metrics of their activities and results. Tom requested better communication regarding how to reach out for care for Stephen Ministry and home communion.
- Rick reported on the Safety and Security Task Force. They have completed most of the duties assigned to them. They would like to disband and reformulate as a subcommittee to the Facilities Committee. They plan to then meet three times per year before major holidays. Sara moved to disband the task force and create a safety and security subcommittee under Facilities. Chris seconded. Motion carries.
- Actions Items/Recap
- Rick will check loan covenants w/ Thrivent.
- Tom will check the Constitution & by-law regarding a change to our fiscal year.
- Chris and Rick will check on how other congregations have transitioned from a calendar to a program year,
- Bob will look into the timing of stewardship campaigns among congregations on program calendar years.
- Andrew led us in the Lord’s Prayer. Bob moved and Wade seconded to adjourn. Motion carries at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sara McCormack
Good Shepherd Mission: In response to God’s love and grace we…Welcome as we have been welcomed, forgive as we have been forgiven, serve as we have been served.
Good Shepherd’s Vision: By the grace of God and the love of Jesus Christ, we will meet each person where they are, and invite them into transformative relationships with God, each other, and the communities in which we live and serve. We will cultivate and empower lay leaders to support this life-changing work at Good Shepherd and beyond.