Board Minutes

Board Minutes: October 21, 2019

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Board of Directors Minutes FINAL

October 21, 2019 (6:30 p.m.)

Verona Campus – Room 6


Present:  Andrew Seaborg (President) ☐ Sara McCormack (Sec.) ☐ Pr. Chris Enstad (Staff) ☐ Kimberly King ☐ Tom Golden (VP) ☐ Ellen Franzone ☐ Stephanie Barth ☐ Bob Beggs via phone


Absent:  Wade Huseth (Treasurer)


  1. Andrew called the meeting to order at 6:31p. Pastor Chris led us in an opening prayer.


  1. Approval of Aug 19, 2019 Minutes -Tom moved, Pastor Chris seconded; motion carries.


  1. Andrew presented the October Financial report in Wade’s absence and gave kudos to Wade for the months of work to reduce the report from 15 pages to four. 2019 has been moved to QuickBooks.  Details will not be posted as it contains personnel salaries.
    1. YTD numbers were presented.
    2. The new financial statement format was presented and adopted (recommended by the Finance Committee). Bob moved to adopt it; Tom seconded the motion.   Motion carries.
    3. Cash Management Policy- Andrew walked us through the policy presented. Tom, Bob and Pastor Chris weighed in and are concerned about setting a dollar amount on the replacement reserve.  There was general agreement that the finance committee wordsmiths the policy to remove exact amounts, and incorporates the facilities plan for potential needs.  Fine tuning is needed.   In the future, consider possibly moving the reserve fund into the replacement reserve once the mortgage is paid off.
    4. Rick B presented updated mortgage information. It is due in 2036.  We can re-amortize every 12 months for free.  For every payment we make, we can get a new due date, or we can choose to keep the same due date, and reduce our monthly payments.  This ability improves our flexibility.  Discussion followed regarding the handling of donation checks from the Beyond campaign.

Chris moved to accept the Treasurer’s report; Stephanie seconded.  Motion carries.


  1. Shared Leadership Task Force Update –
    1. Sara presented committee charters for children/youth/family, communications, facilities, hospitality and worship/music/arts, along with a committee name change request from outreach to social action ministry. A motion to accept was moved and seconded; discussion followed. Motion carried.
    2. Sara reported that the task force has had its final meeting, and is finalizing the board on-boarding plan.
    3. Pastor Chris noted that the Vision task force’s work is not yet completed; they plan to create a one-page document of how the vision and mission are to be implemented.
    4. The board appreciates the work of the RIC task force. In light of the endorsement of the congregation and positive board vote, the task force is considered to be dissolved.  Future education plans will (steps 10 and 11) will be implemented by the hospitality committee.   The task force was responsible through step 9.  Chris moved to dissolve the task force; Ellen seconded.  Motion carries.
    5. Chris appreciates the work of the three task forces and Beyond and how well it is being done. Tom appreciates the good leadership of each.


  1. Pastor’s report
    1. Pastor Chris reported on the BEYOND capital campaign. He has met w/ 6-8 families who have pledged about $600,000. He shared this good news at the 10/20 Going Beyond event, which 50 attended at Vintage Brewery.  Over the next two weeks, committee members will continue to meet with lead gift members.  We will have a church-wide service on November 3 at the Verona Performing Arts Center, which can hold 700.  Brunch at the high school will follow.  Church school will be held in the gym.  Pastor Chris is enjoying the future visioning this could make possible.  As Ronda Beggs presented at the 150 event, this campaign is about more than finances.  We may be able be a resource to other congregations.  Thank you to Rick B. and Eric H. for overseeing much of the Beyond staff responsibilities.  The lay leadership and volunteers have been awesome and both old and new members are involved.
    2. The synod has appointed Rev. Peter Rogness as the interim bishop while the selection process goes forward.


  1. President’s report
    1. Andrew presented the September Executive Committee minutes.
    2. He also presented the congregational meeting recap and minutes.
    3. He had exploratory discussions with Bethel Lutheran regarding shared services between our congregations. The era of competition among churches is over and we should consider forming partnerships in the future.
    4. The budget process is coming. The finance committee will help Rick as he creates the first budget under his direction.
    5. Sara moved and Ellen seconded that we go into closed session. Motion carries.  After discussion, Tom moved, and Sara seconded to come out of closed session.  Motion carries.
    6. Andrew left the meeting at 8:10p and Tom presided over the rest of the meeting.


  1. Committee updates and requests
    1. Stephanie reported from Children/Youth/Family that the commentaries in the Bibles that Good Shepherd distributes and uses for AMPED and high school are not in line with the RIC and our welcoming statement. Becca brought this to the attention of the committee.  We are returning these and purchasing other Bibles.  Stephanie asked that all committees and staff be aware of the potential unintended consequences of our welcoming statement.  The hospitality committee will be informed as the implement steps 10 and 11 of the RIC.
    2. Social action will discuss at 10/30 meeting and may come back to the board.


  1. The book discussion of “Canoeing the Mountains” was postponed.  Pastor Chris will send out a synopsis.


  1. Actions Items/Recap
    1. Rick reported the budget variance at the end of September. We’re above on contributions.  Nemec grant money hasn’t been moved over into the budget yet.
    2. Diane Wenzel has been promoted to Accountant.


  1. Sara moved and Stephanie seconded to adjourn. Motion carries.  Tom adjourned the meeting at 8:25p.  We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


Respectfully submitted,




Sara McCormack



Good Shepherd Mission:  In response to God’s love and grace we…Welcome as we have been welcomed, forgive as we have been forgiven, serve as we have been served.

Good Shepherd’s Vision:  By the grace of God and the love of Jesus Christ, we will meet each person where they are, and invite them into transformative relationships with God, each other, and the communities in which we live and serve. We will cultivate and empower lay leaders to support this life-changing work at Good Shepherd and beyond.