“Bold Women – Answering the Call” Convention on September 21

Fourteenth Biennial Convention of the South Central Wisconsin Synodical Women’s Organization September 21, 2019, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The one day convention encourages members to pray, find peace and joy through workshops, worship, and fellowship, and be bold in our witness when answering the call. The cost to attend is $25, which includes a boxed lunch. There will be free child care.
Who: The convention is open to all women of the ELCA and their guests.
What: Theme: Bold Women – Answering the Call
When: September 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The keynote speaker, Rev. Angela Khabeb will speak at 11 a.m – Love, Light, and Salsa: Infusing the flavor of our faith throughout the facets of our lives.
Where: Verona Campus
Registrations with child care, special needs, and special diets must be requested by Monday, September 9.
Registration forms, schedule, and workshop descriptions are available at the Information Desk at Madison and Verona Campuses or can be downloaded here. For more information, please contact Helen Sheahan at sheahan1@sbcglobal.net or 608-692-7553