News Sundays Worship

Livestream Worship | Sunday, November 8, 2020

Today the prophet Amos calls for justice to roll down like waters. Paul urges us to encourage one another with the promised coming of the Lord. Jesus tells the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids. Surrounded by the faithful of every time and place, we celebrate Christ’s coming in our midst in the word of life and the feast of victory—the marriage feast of the lamb.

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News Worship

Mid-Week Worship | November 4, 2020

Gather with us Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. for a time of reflective worship. Come as you are – bring your worries, joys, hopes, fears, exhaustion- all of it is welcome.
In song, prayer, silence, and scripture we’ll join together with one another and with creation as the day comes to a close.
We encourage you to have a candle with you to light during the service.

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News Worship

All Souls | Mid-Week Worship | October 28, 2020

Originally All Saints day, which remembered the canonized saints, was followed by All Souls day which was a time for people to remember the saints of their own life. Throughout history when there has been great loss of life in the world, All Souls has been a powerful container for people of faith to pour out their named and unnamed grief. We return to this ritual tonight.

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News Sundays Worship

Livestream Worship | Sunday, October 25, 2020

Jesus’ summary of the law in today’s gospel echoes our first reading from Leviticus. We are called not only to love God with heart, soul, and mind, but also to love our neighbor as ourselves. It is out of such deep care that Paul shares the gospel with the Thessalonian community. In the confession of sins, we acknowledge that we have not loved God, neighbor, and self; yet we gather to hear the word of forgiveness and to be strengthened by word and meal to be signs of God’s love and mercy in the world.

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News Worship

Mid-Week Worship | October 21, 2020

Gather with us Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. for a time of reflective worship. Come as you are – bring your worries, joys, hopes, fears, exhaustion- all of it is welcome.

In song, prayer, silence, and scripture we’ll join together with one another and with creation as the day comes to a close.

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