
Celebrating Lynne Kroger and 50 years of faithful service

This month, we’re saying Godspeed to Lynne Kroger as she transitions into retirement.

Lynne has been a part of Good Shepherd for the past 50 years as a member, the pastor’s assistant and has founded PrimeTimers, the Widowers Fellowship Group, and grief classes. She’s been at Good Shepherd for all the pastors and staff and has met thousands of congregants.

“What I really cherish is a guest coming for the first time here, getting to know them, getting to know their name and when they return being able to call them by their name,” Lynne said.

Lynne has always made welcoming her top priority. For those wanting to welcome guests, it’s important to reach out and say hello first. All it takes is one hello for someone to feel like they’re welcomed.

“Remember what has been established here and what God wants us to do for this community, for this city, for this country, that God is with us with his love continually and we need to show that to our all guests and members regardless.”

Join us Sunday, August 25 at noon in Peterson Hall at the Madison Campus for a celebration of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and one of her most faithful servants, Lynne Kroger. We’ll provide the BBQ Pork sandwiches, chips and a drink. We’re counting on the congregation to bring their best story of Lynne as she heads off into retirement. Expect some special guests as well. Names ending in A-L bring salads; M-Z bring desserts. Let’s send off Lynne in style as she celebrates 50 years of service to Good Shepherd!


  1. Andy Jordan on August 22, 2019 at 10:18 am

    Congratulations. What an achievement. May God continue to bless you. Enjoy your retirement.

  2. Lorraine Yarbrough on August 22, 2019 at 2:12 pm

    Lynne you are the reason my family joined Good Shepherd. My kids grew up here and you were so instrumental in creating a strong foundation for us all. Congratulations on your retirement and Godspeed to you. You have always held a very special place in my heart. Love Lorraine Yarbrough

  3. Chris Larson on August 23, 2019 at 8:46 pm

    Congratulations. What a Milestone and achievement May God Continue to Bless you on your Next Journey of life. Congratulations on your Retirement.