Congratulations Class of 202!
Director of Youth and Family Becca Mortensen shares some of the stories and congratulates the Class of 2021.
Over the last few weeks, 64 high schoolers from Good Shepherd graduated, and we congratulate them! But, as we are people of stories, it is the stories of these young people woven into God’s big story that is even more worth celebrating. Here are some story highlights we’ve seen from this crew — The graduate who took a leap of faith to go on the 2018 youth gathering trip to Houston, despite the fact that homesickness and separation are super hard on her, and who encountered God in the crew she traveled with and in the worship alongside thousands of other high schoolers.
– The graduate who took the time of COVID separation to serve by delivering Meals on Wheels and by creating blankets and chew toys for animal shelters and face masks for facilities all throughout Verona.
– The graduate who paid attention to their Spirit nudges to integrate their faith life with their identity as an LGBTQ+ person, therefore starting a new ministry at Good Shepherd.
– The graduate who brings his team-mentality, inclusion and care to his baseball team, modeling that God’s presence is not tied only to the church-affiliated groups.
– The graduate whose advocacy and ally ship, combined with her understanding as our call as Christians, brought her to leading an intergenerational discussion group on race during a pandemic.
– The graduate who decided to go on fall retreat instead of another great adventure, knowing that reset of rest and connection was what her spirit needed.
– The graduate who built relationships with other folks from other states at the youth gathering and who has continued those relationships of encouragement and building each other up.
– The graduate who found Good Shepherd to be a place of welcome and comfort as well as a place to grow and practice maturity over some rough years.
– The graduate who thrives in the science world but who has encountered God in things unexplainable and wonderful at Pine Lake and is now dedicating a summer to serving up there.
– The graduate who saw the pandemic as a time to make music and provide hope to people, spending countless hours recording, rehearsing, and honing his God-given and stewarded talents.
Good Shepherd, there are so many stories in each of the 64 youth. As we bless them and send them on their way, let’s remember to continue praying for them in the years to come.
If you are a graduate or have one heading into that next stage of life, and you want to keep the relationship going with Good Shepherd, email and we’ll keep in touch with care mail and prayer.