Executive Committee

COVID-19 Task Force Minutes: May 16, 2020


May 16, 2020 12 noon via ZOOM


Present: Rick Blum, Sara McCormack, Chris Enstad, Tracy Dahl, Kristie Jones, Paul Friesen, Rick Thomas, Matt Wentzel, Brent Marshall, Sarah Schaettle, Paul Bekx, Andrew Seaborg, Diane Kohrs


Welcome Devotion and Opening Prayer – Sara


Rick and Chris set the discussion requesting the task force to look at the big view, not too much with the details. They want guidance for the board in making decisions once the safer at home orders are lifted.


We reviewed Bethel’s plans:

  • Worship will continue online ONLY indefinitely.
  • The building will remain closed indefinitely. Outreach ministries still active although outdoors (parking lot).
  • In regard to worship music: allowing one cantor/singer per service (rotational).VBS has been cancelled (@Bethel Horizons).
  • “In-person” Sunday School has been cancelled until December. Online/virtual programming to come.

There is general agreement with their plan, questioning the reasonableness of starting Church School during cold/flu season in December.

It may be useful to hear what other congregations are doing, what precautions they are taking.



Outdoor Worship

This was brought up as a possible way to have a special in-person worship. Staff is looking into equipment needed and other logistics. Thought is to have it as a special event, possibly off-site to accommodate more cars.

There was a mixed response from the group, some thinking it could be safe, others concerned about people’s general tendency to want to be close, and having to policing precautions

The Madison Mallards are doing drive-thru movies, we could look at what their precautions are as guidance.


Small Groups/Building use

There was discussion on if it’s safer for small groups to gather in person, at church or at homes, use of bathrooms.

It was the consensus that the building should be closed with no bathroom availability for now. If groups want to meet in-person they will not be able to use the church grounds, building, or bathrooms.


Assisting older members with technology

There was brief discussion on if it is safe to have people go to another’s house.

One-on-one with safety guidelines kept (e.g. masks)



Not in the church building. Outdoors, with precautions and instructions for safety



Same as funerals.

Social Action

Food pantry continues as drive-thru

There was discussion about how the Holy Cow could be open following best practice guidelines,

The use of interns – probably not

Using the COW for a drive-thru dinner event like St Maria Goretti could be safe

Food pantry donations – drive thru donations with precautions would be fine.



Worship continues online only for now; we will look into doing a drive thru worship if we can get the resources necessary

Church buildings and grounds remain closed for now.

Vendor Fair with the Holy Cow is possible with precautions

Donations to food pantry is safe with precautions


P Chris and Rick B thanked the group for their time and thoughtful discussion. They plan to take these recommendations to the Executive Committee for review, then will come back to the Task Force if needed before convening the Church Board. This will then be communicated to the congregation.


There was also discussion on mask-wearing, polling the congregation.


Closed with Prayer – P Chris



Submitted by Diane Kohrs 5/17/20