Dunk the Deficit on Giving Tuesday

Good Shepherd Members:
Thank you for supporting our Generosity Campaign to provide funds For Good Shepherd in 2019. We are grateful for your generous giving for next year!
Now, we hope to erase the $120,000 deficit we are facing in 2018 by the end of the year. How are we going to do it?
- We want to encourage people to fulfill their Intents to Give for 2018.
- We want to encourage people who have fulfilled their gifts to know additional gifts are welcome.
- We want to have some fun eliminating the deficit! Deficit? Fun? Here’s how…
We’re launching a new campaign called “Dunk the Deficit!” from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. on #GivingTuesday, November 27 through our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels.
Good Shepherd member Ken Miyamoto will host the fun social media event with live updates, and special offers on #GivingTuesday.
What’s the “dunk” part about? With every $10,000 we raise, a staff member will volunteer to take a “dunk” in icy water to support the cause. If we hit $10,000, Pastor Joe Brosious takes the plunge. If we hit $20,000 music director Jared Stellmacher gets soaked. If we hit $30,000, media director Eric Holmer takes the plunge. If we reach $40,000 Pr. Dara Schuller-Hanson gets dunked. If we hit $50,000 and beyond, Pr. Chris Enstad take the plunge (and the host as well).
To donate, click https://goodshep.breezechms.com/give/online and give with your credit card or debit card. Or give through links on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts on #GivingTuesday. Be sure to like and follow those pages to keep informed! If you’re not on social media, don’t worry — you can still donate through the Good Shepherd website.
Let’s go above and beyond for the church and all who worship together.
Pastor Chris Enstad