Youth Ministry

ELCA National Youth Gathering Day 2

Written by: Berit Enstad

New Orleans, LA-  “Our first great act in this world is to be changed, from a creature that lives in the depths of the womb, into a being that belongs to the whole human community. We are born in the shadows, but we are made to be light to all around us” – Speaker Michael Chan

We woke up to our old-fashioned alarm clocks which we all learned how to use, and got on the bus ready for travel day number two, not knowing what to expect or what was coming. The bus was filled with naps, games, and laughter as usual. With one day under our belts, we remembered how much fun we have as a group and we really began to reconnect with each other.

As we entered the city, we spent time looking out the windows, taking it all in. Once we arrived, we immediately got the opportunity to practice our patience skills. We were hot, we were tired, and we patiently wait to get checked into all our rooms. We already began getting to know other groups from all over the country.

After some delicious pizza, we headed to Smoothie King Center for evening worship. We practiced more patience as the workers found enough seats for our massive group but once we got in, it was a feeling like none other. 18,000 youth all worshiping God together, remembering how we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and never ever alone. We heard many speakers and songs, but the two things that stuck out to me the most were: 1. When they started playing the song “Rescue” by Lauren Daigle. Everyone recognized it and it was magical hearing everyone’s voices fill up the room. And 2. was from speaker Dr. Michael Chan, our last message of the night that was beautiful and stuck with many people. What stuck out to me the most was when he read the quote “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds”. He reminded us that each and every one of us is a seed, and we’ve all had something bury us in some way. But our soil is strong and powerful. The 18,000 seeds in that room are strong and powerful, and we are building and growing something beautiful that God has called for us. He continued by telling a personal story about how he has been buried. It really reminded me how supportive and progressive we are as a church and a community. What he went through is not something that has always been seen as “okay” in the church, and Sarah reminded us how powerful it is that he shared his story the way that he did.

After a hot walk back from worship, we had some time to have fun in the hotel. While some jumped right into the pool, others joined a big glow in the dark dance party. Both were perfect ways to wrap up our evening as we prepared for our exciting day to follow.

“The same Spirit that fills this room is the same Spirit that opened the heavens, shines down on you and calls you ‘my beloved.’ That same Spirit is going to walk out of here with all of you” – Speaker Joe Liles

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