Even in darkness
Diane Hanson reflects upon the power of trusting God even in challenging times.
Not all is as it seems. When you think about it, that is what living a life with faith is all about. So many of us struggle with this every day, even those of us who consider ourselves Christ followers.
There are times in life that, when we rely on just what is seen, we can easily crumble, want to stay in bed and pull the sheets over our head; withdraw from life, stay home and watch Netflix all day. Instead, we can put all of our focus on God and take those “mountain top moments” and let Him infuse in you what will feed and equip you on your journey forward. Spend continuous time with the Lord, and stay in this space in order to be open to his calling.
Those of us who know deep within our soul that God will never forsake us, that He is with us even in our darkest moment, may find that peace beyond understanding. We can envision and feel His presence like a big snuggly blanket wrapped tightly around us. We feel protected and safe.
For me, when I start to doubt, God gently reminds me of all of the times He has been there. He has performed miracles in my life when I have chosen to trust Him regardless of how it may have seemed. I am reminded that God is bigger and stronger and I can trust Him even when I don’t understand.
It’s been such a tough time for our country and world and it may seem like darkness is taking over, but in the darkness is when we, as Christians, are called to shine the brightest.
When we ask God to lead us according to His will, not our own, powerful things start happening. Yes, it can be scary. When God led me to start my non-profit, United Madison, it was a leap of faith. I knew it was His calling for me and He reminded me of how He equipped me for it through my journey. At the time I am writing this, I have been called to undertake one of our most important initiatives ever, sex trafficking. I know there will be and have been distractions and a force that is pushing back on this work, those who don’t want people to know about this darkness. I know that with God at our side and as our shield, we can stand up to evil. My favorite saying is I can “walk through the fear”. I feel a sense of His presence, His direction and protection in a way that I can’t put into words. It may seem too overwhelming and difficult to live in our fallen world at times, but I choose not to live life in the status quo, and instead believe the promises of God.
Thank you for sharing.