Executive Committee

Executive Committee Minutes: May 13, 2019

Executive Committee Minutes FINAL

Monday, May 13, 2019, 7:30 p.m.

Pr. Chris Enstad’s office


In attendance:  Pr. Chris, Gerry, Andrew, Wade, Sara and Rick B.


Guests:  Rachel Breitbach, Sarah Iverson, Tom Golden


Gerry called the meeting to order at 7:41 pm.


Devotions—      Pr. Chris spoke on John 13:34: “A new command I give you:  Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”  Jesus us referring to agape love.  We’ve had a beautiful, messy community year with surveys, Joshua group, task forces, member led committees.  We’ve had peaks and valleys, but our direction is clear.  Our new mission and vision call us to let go of fear through sacrificial love and giving.


Special Congregation Meeting Planning

  • Vision – We want the congregation’s affirmation of the vision statement developed by the Shared Vision Task Force and how we live it out. Rachel will present on Sunday.  After discussion, it was decided that no vote is necessary.  We would like the congregation’s blessing of the first three steps in the process that have been completed, and we will then move on to the fourth step.  Rachel will give the background of the four steps in process, paint the invitation that this is the beginning of where we want to go, the board has affirmed, open up for discussion.  Then cover what is happening next in the future.   If completed, we could show the video that Eric is working on at the meeting, then again at a future Sunday worship.  Rachel and Sarah left the meeting.


  • Capital campaign resolution
    • Will be presented at this meeting. Tom G will give the history of Mission in Motion, how we got to this level of debt, and why we need to pay it off.  Rick will provide background to Tom for wordsmithing.  Tom will end with Mission in Motion.  Andrew will set up our current situation and explain that we will reduce debt, not just pay the mortgage. He will show the lost opportunity costs for ministry due to the debt.  Chris will cover how the Holy Spirit can lead us in fulfilling the dreams for our future (vision) of life without debt costing us about $250,000 per year.


  • Rick will write up the motion. Wade will make the motion (as treasurer).  Andrew will address the “primarily” in the invitation card.


  • Breakdown of chairs – committees set up with hire. Bob and Ronda Beggs will chair steering committee with consultant.


  • Andrew will cover “why a consultant”, show the numbers, how the money will be used. The motion will be called, and opened up for discussion.   Chris talks at this point about dreams (based on Ephesians) and how far we’ve come already, providing additional transparency.


Personnel Committee Items – went into executive session



The minutes from the March EC meeting were approved without objection.


Financial update – Wade reported that the committee just met and approved the April finance statements.  They discussed our cash positions at Oak Bank and the structure of our cash accounts. Wade plans to oversee the development of an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) that will guide our cash management going forward. This will be written and approved by Finance Committee then brought to the board for adoption. Finance Committee also discussed how $128,000 of Mission in Motion funds were allocated to 2018 budget instead of being used for mortgage payments per budget approved by board. Wade will research options for how to address this, discuss with Finance committee, and make recommendation to board.


Leadership Taskforce Update

  • Gerry confirmed that our board and EC meetings will be the third Mondays of each month. Sara will have these published for the congregation.  The 2020 annual meeting will be February 16, 2020, and we plan to approve the Vision at that time.
  • The Shared Leadership video is on track to be shown at all services on Sunday, May 19, the same day as the congregation meeting.
  • The task force asked that we communicate to the congregation the specific resolutions to be voted on at the 5/19 congregational meeting in advance. Chris believes we have done so with what we published.
  • Due to the need to approve minutes, communicating them to the congregation is delayed (Feb. minutes in the May Messenger).  Sara wondered if we could vote on these earlier in order to post them sooner. The group feels the board needs time to review and think about the minutes, so earlier approval and posting would not be possible. However, we should communicate why they come out three months later.  Sara will have this posted.
  • Other opportunities to enhance board communication with the congregation:
    • Create name tags and titles for all board members in a separate color that we wear when we attend worship services. If was felt that we’re at church to worship with our families, and not in an official capacity, so we will re-consider this later.  We could make the name tags inviting, such as “ask me a question – I’m a board member.”  We could have a table in the narthex quarterly or do a town hall.
    • Have all board members sample all of our different services at each campus.
    • Rick will provide hard copies of the e-news in the binders at each campus.
    • Sara will communicate where to find things once binders and website are up to date.
  • Since there was no agenda for the April EC meeting, minutes were not taken.
  • The executive committee is also the personnel committee:  the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and lead pastor.
  • Governance Communications discussion – Gerry’s recent article in the E-news will be added to the website and also added to the binders at both campuses.  The board description currently posted on the website will remain.  We also discussed creating an organization chart of how decisions are made in the congregation, and thus, how our dreams become reality at GSLC.  This will be a visual, not words.

Rick reported on the Dashboard – Attendance is down and revenue flat.


June Board meeting agenda items are due to Gerry by 6/10.  Sara and Rick will meet in May before he goes on vacation to organize board packets for the 6/17 meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:52p with the Lord’s Prayer.


Good Shepherd Vision (old): Reflective the love of Jesus to transform lives and create disciples.


Good Shepherd’s Vision (Proposed):  By the grace of God and the love of Jesus Christ, we will meet each person where they are, and invite them into transformative relationships with God, each other, and the communities in which we live and serve.  We will cultivate and empower lay leaders to support this life-changing work at Good Shepherd and beyond.


Good Shepherd’s Mission (old): We invite and welcome all people to worship God, grow in faith through the Holy Spirit and serve others in Jesus’ name.


Good Shepherd Mission: (Proposed): In response to God’s love and grace we…Welcome as we have been welcomed, forgive as we have been forgiven, serve as we have been served.


Respectfully submitted,





Sara McCormack

Board Secretary


Vision (proposed):  By the grace of God and the love of Jesus Christ, we will meet each person where they are, and invite them into transformative relationships with God, each other, and the communities in which we live and serve.  We will cultivate and empower lay leaders to support this life-changing work at Good Shepherd and beyond.


Mission (proposed):  In response to God’s love and grace we…Welcome as we have been welcomed, forgive as we have been forgiven, serve as we have been served.