Feed My Starving Children

You’ve heard the phrase “It takes a village?” Well, this time it was 448 different volunteers coming together to help feed a village.
This is enough food to feed 298 children a meal a day for an entire year!
448 different people, including members of Good Shepherd and members of the community, joined together the weekend of June 16-17 for a “Feed My Starving Children” Mobile Pack event at West Campus. And thanks to the work of those 448 volunteers, they packed 108,864 meals!!
This dream of feeding hundreds of people in need almost didn’t happen. A week before the event, more than 200 volunteers were still needed. But the message was amplified, through word of mouth, and through appearance on local media outlets. And by the time the event was done, the volunteers had exceeded the goal set before the event.
So, if you ever have any doubt about the impact members of Good Shepherd can have, take a look at what was accomplished June 16 and 17. And know that there are hundreds of people around the world that will have food in their stomachs for months to come, thanks to the work of some very important volunteers.
We are excited to host this event again February 16th and 17th 2018.