Feed my Starving Children MobilePack 2019

Mark your calendar for the next FMSC MobilePack hosted by Good Shepherd on February 22-23, 2019 at the Verona campus.
Since 2012, Good Shepherd families along with the community have packed over 600,000 meals for kids and families in the neediest areas of the world. In early November, we’ll be talking with the Church School children about the impact that FMSC has around the world, how much fun it is to volunteer and how important it is to raise money to pay for the food that will be packed. In addition, on Sunday, November 18 and Wednesday, November 21 (Thanksgiving eve) a special offering will be collected to help fund this event. Our goal is to raise nearly $30,000! Donations can be made directly at https://give.fmsc.org/verona OR mail a check to Feed My Starving Children, MobilePack 1902-222au, 401 93rd Avenue NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433
[button size=” style=” text=’Make a Donation’ icon=’fa-arrow-circle-o-right’ icon_color=” link=’https://give.fmsc.org/verona’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=’15’]