Gather for Worship at a Park Near You
Worship in the Park on Thursday Nights starting June 2
Meeting People Where They Are
Follow the COW this summer as we spend Thursday evenings in local parks eating and worshipping. The Holy Cow is so much more than food truck, it is a church on wheels, and this summer we’ll explore more deeply what happens when food and faith collide.
Each month we’ll be at a different park each Thursday, sharing in a delicious meal followed by a short worship experience. Worship will include Faith Footprints as well as prayer, reflection, and conversation. Accessible for all ages!
The COW is a ministry we share as a congregation and this opportunity is a great way for us all to be involved. Everyone who shows up becomes a part of the welcome, the service, and the forgiveness of the evening. If you travel in the summer, this is a great way to continue to worship with our church! All ages are welcome. Invite your neighbors and friends – or come and MEET your neighbors and new friends. Thursday Night COW worship begins June 2nd. We’ll be at Western Hills Park in Fitchburg, just down the street from the Madison Campus. Food is served at 5:30 p.m. and worship begins at 6:00 p.m. Bring a chair, a blanket, and a friend!