Events News

Gingerbread House Workshop

Family Decorating Fun

The annual Gingerbread House Workshop for all members and their friends will be Monday, Dec. 2, 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Madison campus.  Make your own gingerbread and frosting at home or buy pre-made gingerbread and frosting on your own and bring it to the workshop.  Please sign up in the office at either campus by Wednesday, Nov. 27th.  The cost is $5 per house or per family if a family is making more than 1 house.  This includes decorations and cardboard base.

Recipes and instructions available when you sign up.  One adult is recommended for each child 5 and under.  Volunteers are needed for set up, clean up, and during the event.  If you are interested in helping, please call Helen Sheahan at 692-7553 or email [email protected].

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