Racial Equity Discussion Group Starts this Fall
Deepening understanding of inequity and racism and developing a lifelong commitment to improving equity and inclusion in our communities
Good Shepherd is forming a fall Racial Equity Discussion group to talk about the first 9 topics presented in the United Way of WI Equity Challenge. As followers of Jesus, we are commanded to advocate for equality for all God’s children. When we know better, we do better. There is so much we need to learn (that most of us were never taught in school) in order to better understand this issue. Let’s do it together. “Weekly topics take participants through a journey to deepen understanding of inequity and racism, suggest ways to take action, and help launch what we hope will be a lifelong commitment to improving equity and inclusion in our communities.” (United Way) Wisconsin specific information will be shared. There is no fee for the weekly Equity Challenge emails which include readings, videos and audio clips.
We will be meeting weekly in the Good Shepherd room at the Madison campus on Wednesdays, September 15 – November 10, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.. The maximum number of participants is 20. To register Breeze sign up at Good Shepherd AND sign up to receive the Equity Challenge weekly emails at www.unitedwaywi.org/page/equity-challenge
Please join us. This is a safe, nonjudgmental space. None of us are experts in this challenging issue but talking together we can learn from and encourage each other.