Songs of the Soul | “God and King”

Shared by Stephanie Christensen
I remember the first time I heard this song. It was the last Women of Faith I attended. It was the very last year they were running Women of Faith conferences and I was already emotional because of that. I was remembering the spiritual transformation I’d experienced since my first Women of Faith over a decade and a half earlier, the deep friendships I’d forged and the laughter and tears that accompanied every single event.
Gateway Worship was leading the music that final year and when I heard their arrangement of God and King, I was beside myself. The vocals and musicality lent themselves perfectly to the depths of which the song expresses a great and deep praise of our God. It’s articulates perfectly the unity that is experienced when we worship. There’s nothing more powerful than voices, and hearts, united in praise. When we brought the song to Good Shepherd and began to sing it in worship, my levels of connection to that song were amplified. Now it was MY community singing it together. Every time that song comes up at worship and every opportunity that it fits the scripture that week (which, if we were honest, would be every week since praising God is timeless) and every note which I sing when we lead it, fills my entire body with electricity. It’s as though my already intimate connection to our Savior is even more real. In that moment, the Spirit is so palpable and my feeling of unity with my church family is so undeniably real.
Listen to the song. Hear the words. Close your eyes.
Praise Him.
Praise Him.
Praise Him.
This post is part of our Lenten devotional series “Songs of the Soul” – learn more at