Songs of the Soul | “Godspeed”

Shared by Shannon Davis
Music to me is an escape. A way for me to shut out the busy of life and be surrounded by what makes me feel at peace or a way for me to be energized and motivated. Whatever the genre, speed, lyrics or simply music with no words at all, music can change the way I am feeling and the way I am processing my interactions and experiences.
My “soul song” has evolved. It’s a song that has meant different things to me depending on the stage I am at in my life. I believe “Godspeed” has helped me process my changing role of mother and how my babies have grown from being with me every moment of every day, to gaining little bits of mastery and independence with such pride, to now moving with increasing speed toward being young adults. Our babies grow so quickly and before long the endless nights with sick, colicky babies who only want the warmth and comfort of their mother turn to weekend days where I wait anxiously for my teenagers to wake so we can have conversations about their adventures and dreams.
I’m coming to realize our time spent with them is so short and so precious. This song has helped me to remember that there is no stopping their growth, for there is no way to freeze time on those innocent moments that I wish to remember forever. But rather I must wish them Godspeed, or in other words “may God prosper you.” In every step of being a mother I have hoped for my children to have good wishes on their journey and as much as I want to protect them and keep them close, it is their journey and I must have faith that they are on the path they were chosen to travel. My unconditional love will always be there for them, this I am constantly reminding them. No matter their age or where they are, “my love will fly to them each night on angels’ wings” but God is their ultimate protector and He is the one I hope has His arms wrapped tightly around them when mine cannot.
This post is part of our Lenten devotional series “Songs of the Soul” – learn more at