Songs of the Soul | “So Glad I’m Here”

Shared by Robyn Zimmerman
I love music, all different kinds of music. So when I thought about which song I would like to write about I thought it would be a lot harder than it actually ended up being. It didn’t take me longer than 2 or 3 minutes to make my decision. I hope this simple song will bring you as much happiness as it has brought me.
About 13 years ago I was introduced to a little children’s song called “So Glad I’m Here” by Elizabeth Mitchell. It’s the first track on her album titled “You Are My Sunshine.” I liked it, listened to it with a couple of kiddos I nannied for but never enjoyed it quite a much as I did nine years later. So what happened, what changed? It was the same song.
What happened was my cousin Nate had his first child, a little dude named Lyle. I was so happy because not only did I have family in town, but there was a baby in town! On the day Lyle was born we went up to the hospital to meet him. On my cousin and his wife’s first night out, I got to be his first babysitter. When his daycare fell through on his second day I was able to help out and watch him. For the first year of Lyle’s life I was able to see him just about everyday. Every Monday I was off from my job at the office of Good Shepherd, what better way to spend my day off but with my favorite little Lyle. Every morning when I came over Lyle would have the most beautiful smile on his face. Every lunch we would play our favorite song. We would clap when it started. Just listen to the link and you will be clapping along too. I would sing, we would dance all while enjoying our special time together.
On June first Lyle and his parents moved to a beautiful house in the country almost 3 hours away. I was sad but very happy for them. They would be closer to more family and I understood how important that was.
Lyle is turning 4 at the bringing of March, he now has an adorable baby sister and will have another sibling any day now. I still listen to our song when we FaceTime or when I am able to go visit even though the visits are never enough time spent together. Lots of things have changed since Lyle’s first year of life, many tears have been shed, mine and his. Many changes have occurred in my life, some good some not as good. Through all of my ups and downs my heart is still soaring and I’m still so glad I’m here, because love brought me here, here today.
This post is part of our Lenten devotional series “Songs of the Soul” – learn more at