The Snack Family

It started back in 2009 when I first volunteered to help serve snacks at Good Shepherd’s summer Vacation Bible School. At the time, my two oldest daughters, Lydia and Ruby, attended VBS and Macy, just 7 months old, played and napped as all the VBS campers moved in and out of the snack station. The previous couple of years I volunteered in other areas at VBS but truly enjoyed volunteering at the snack station that year. It has been such a pleasure to prepare, serve and tell the story of how the snacks we serve relate to the Bible story and message of the day.
Eight years later and I still enjoy being the VBS “snack lady”! Not only that but it has now become a tradition I get to share with all three of my daughters. As they each grew too old to attend VBS, they have helped me serve snacks. This past summer was the first summer we were all VBS helpers and it was an amazing experience to see all my children serving God together!
VBS has become one of our favorite weeks of the summer! We look forward to seeing all the kids’ smiling faces, praying and talking with them each day (they get more talkative as the week goes on!), meeting the parents and getting to know the small group leaders and interns. Being the VBS “snack family” has been a wonderful service opportunity for all of us where we get to share God’s message with all the VBS campers. VBS at Good Shepherd is such a happy week filled with energizing songs, fun crafts and games, and creative and delicious snacks (our family has recreated many of these yummy snacks!) all focused on sharing God’s word and love.