The Spirit calls and equips

God guides us
Sunday was the day of Pentecost. The Christian church recognizes this day, 50 days after Easter, as the “birthday” of the church. Acts 2 begins with the story of the mighty, rushing wind that created unity amongst those gathered together even in the midst of a diversity of languages and voices.
I wonder if that should not be the picture of the Christian church we hold up today? Is there a way for us, as Christians, to remain unified in our diversity? Indeed, is there a way to remain united despite our diversity?
One thing that is for certain, in the presence of God’s Holy Spirit we can never go back to the way things used to be. All of our old prejudices, resentments, hurts and even our own personal triumphs are all set to the side as we empty ourselves of sin and death to be clothed in the righteousness of baptized children of God! Why do we do this? Because Christ first did that exact same thing for us!
The amazing thing about God is this: Not only has God called us to this mighty task, but God has also given us the means to achieve it. I’m grateful that my salvation, my ability to follow where God is calling me, has not been left in my own frail hands. In the gift of the Holy Spirit we have all been stirred up to listen, respond and to give ourselves away to this mission and ministry: to make God known to all of the earth!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Pastor Chris Enstad