
Update from Pastor Chris about Pastor Joe and new COVID-19 Policies

Dear friends & family at Good Shepherd,

First, thank you to everyone who watched our online worship service this morning. Members told us how much it was needed, how connected they felt, and how it felt like Good Shepherd. A typical streamed service has 5-10 people watching at once. Today, we averaged 300 people watching the YouTube feed.

Update on Pastor Joe

I have just heard from Pastor Joe’s wife Lynn regarding his latest MRI. Essentially, he will come through this and his brain was damaged as little as could possibly be.  The doctor believes that there should be no impact on movement or language, mostly just working memory.

It is still early, but this is about as positive an outcome as we could imagine. Thank you for your prayers and I will continue to update you as things develop.

Updates to Church Policies

I also wanted to update on some changes being made tomorrow based on recommendations from the church’s COVID-19 task force, which met today online.

  • Entrances to both our churches will be closed to members and the community starting tomorrow.
  • Little Blessings Pre-School will be closed starting tomorrow.
  • The office will remain open. Our front desk and a limited number of staff will be in, handling phone calls and emails. People that need to get in to the Madison campus will have to use the video doorbell at the main entrance.

God has led us to this point by faith and will continue to lead us in the days and weeks to come.  As we settle in to what could be a long-term situation, we will need your engagement, ideas, support and prayers.  Take care of yourselves and your loved ones.  Reach out to me if you are in need of prayer, an ear or just to hear someone else agree that ‘yes, this is a crazy time.’

The hard work and prayers that we have invested in this congregation over the last three years have us positioned to come through this time even stronger and more closely connected to God, each other and our world.  I will be here to walk with you.


Pr. Chris Enstad